Pass Your


Extra Class Test

The Easy Way!


A New Way To Upgrade

Amateur radio license tests are multiple-choice with three wrong answers and one right answer for each question. Traditional test-prep materials go through the questions and all the possible answers. For the Extra test you see 603 questions and 2,412 answers but 1,809 answers are wrong! Why be confused and frustrated studying three wrong answers for every one right answer?

Right Answers Only

Pass Your Amateur Radio Extra Class Test - The Easy Way is different. The focus is on the right answers and only the right answers. This is especially important on the Extra Class test because there are so many questions, lots of which can only be answered by remembering.

Just Two Parts

The book is in two parts. The first explains the concepts covering every single test question with hints and cheats to help you recognize the correct answer. The second part is a condensed Quick Summary with only the questions and correct answers, again with hints and cheats.

It's Easy

Since you never see the wrong answers, the correct answers will pop out when you take the test. You learn to recognize, not memorize, the right answer. It couldn't be easier!

In-Stock & Ready To Ship

2020-2024 Edition: For those testing before July 1, 2024.


2024-2028 Edition: For those testing on July 1, 2024 and later.



Explore other books available in "The Easy Way" series of amateur radio guides.

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